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      Every 25 years, it begins. Bound to an ancient pact, a family of unlimited power descend upon a small rural town to sacrifice 4 human lives, one being a member of their own family. The ritual starts with the rape of a local girl, 18 year old Kerry. Finding herself pregnant, she realizes her unborn baby is the target of a sinister plot. As the months pass and people around her begin to turn up dead, she desperately searches for a way out of this unthinkable situation. The family must perform this ritual to maintain their power or die. In charge of carrying out each sacrifice as his initiation is David, a young man conflicted with his destiny. He unexpectedly begins to fall for Kerry, which weighs on his conscience as they get closer to the final sacrifice. What starts off as a thriller soon descends into the realm of horror as occult rituals and ancient pacts take hold of one girls life, binding her to a fate she cannot possibly fathom. ROSEMARYS BABY meets DRAG ME TO HELL in this twisted and dark look into the occult and how far the human spirit can take one soul in its most desperate hour. Layered with plot twists and conflicted characters, BLOODLINE follows six people as they carry out their destiny to their ultimate horror.


      • 7.0正片愿大家拥有幸福古川琴音,松大航也,桥本和雄
      • 2.0HD中字被窃油画的假设Jean,Rougeul,Chantal,Paley,Jean,Raynaud
      • 3.0正片暗后无脸珍娜·凯内尔,Danny,Kang,丹妮尔·林
      • 3.0HD中字雾夜足音斯图尔特·格兰杰,简·西蒙斯,比尔·特拉弗斯,贝琳达·李,罗纳德·斯夸尔
      • 3.0HD南瓜恶灵兰斯·亨利克森
      • 7.0HD中字鬼屋1992Stephen,Macht,Shawn,Weatherly,Megan,Ward
      • 4.0HD沉默之夜杰米·金,Jaime,King,马尔科姆·麦克拉伦,布兰登·费尔,Brendan,Fehr,丽莎·玛丽,唐纳尔·罗格,Andrew,Cecon,Courtney-Jane,White,Erik,J.,Berg,Tom,Anniko,Mike,O'Brien,Curtis,Moore,Adriana,O'Neil,John,B.,Lowe,Ali,Tataryn,Brendan,Fehr
      • 4.0HD中字马卡里奧伊格纳西奥·洛佩斯·塔尔索,皮纳·佩利塞尔,恩里克·卢塞罗,Mario,Alberto,Rodríguez
      • 4.0HD魔鬼双瞳阿德里安娜·巴比欧,Ramy,Zada,宾戈·奥马利,Jeff,Howell,E.G.马绍尔,哈威·凯特尔,马德琳·波特,约翰·阿莫斯,莎莉·柯克兰德,金·亨特,霍尔特·格拉汉姆,马丁·鲍尔萨姆,Chuck,Aber,乔纳森·亚当斯,汤姆·阿特金斯,朱莉·本茨,Bill,Dalzell,Charles,McPherson,杰夫·莫纳汉,Peggy,McIntaggart,Jonathan,Sachar,汤姆·萨维尼
      • 8.0HD中字美国最后之日伯特·兰卡斯特,约瑟夫·科顿,茂文·道格拉斯
      • 9.0HD中字谁看见她死去?乔治·拉扎贝,阿妮塔·斯特琳堡,阿道弗·切利,多米妮克·波斯凯罗,彼得·沙泰勒,Piero,Vida,José,Quaglio,阿历桑多罗·哈伯,妮可莱塔·埃尔米,罗斯玛丽·琳特,Giovanni,Rosselli,Sandro,Grinfan,Carlo,Hollesch,George,Willing,Vittorio,Fanfoni
      • 4.0HD中字力比多Giancarlo,Giannini,Dominique,Boschero,Luciano,Pigozzi


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